

Connect with us!

We've compiled a list of FAQs regarding HSC Next's initiatives, challenge submissions, invention disclosures and more. If your question isn't addressed below, feel free to reach out to any team member directly or email We look forward to connecting with you.

(what is hsc next?) FAQ

Yes. HSC Next team members are employed and supported by the UNT Health Science Center.

Innovation is key to one of our core institutional values, Be Curious. And, innovation is critical to the HSC mission: creating solutions for a healthier community. Furthermore, we are convinced that innovation and entrepreneurship can be transformative for our community and that the HSC has an obligation to help make Fort Worth a better place.

No. HSC Next is open to working with on- and off-campus innovators.

HSC Next is comprised of two teams, an Innovation Ecosystems team and an Innovation Pipeline team. The Innovation Ecosystem team is focused on building stronger on- and off-campus environments to foster innovation. The Innovation Pipeline team is about outputs – generating and managing potential innovations arising from campus, and off-campus activities. You can learn more about each team by clicking the buttons on this page.

HSC Next operates to help guide innovators and entrepreneurs, not steal ideas from them. Provisions related to ownership of intellectual property developed by HSC students, faculty and staff are detailed in the HSC Intellectual Property Policy, the latest version of which can be found in Tools on the Resources tab. We are always happy to answer question about the ownership of intellectual property.

Click "SAVE TO DRAFT" on the application form, and return any time before the deadline to edit or finish the application. Access saved applications through "MY CONTENT" in your member profile (top right corner of the screen).

(Innovation Ecosystems) FAQ

Our goal is simple: to help innovators and entrepreneurs succeed. That can mean many different things and each innovator’s journey will look different, but your success is our goal.

Then we still want to hear it. Often, bad ideas lead to better ideas. And maybe we can connect you to other people who have similar ideas, which will further spawn new and improved ideas and innovations. Remember, Thomas Edison didn’t get it right on the first try. He made over a thousand prototypes before he invented the lightbulb. You can submit your idea in the Challenges tab.

Innovators are those with ideas that solve problems or create knowledge that lead to solutions. Entrepreneurs who aspire to start and grow new businesses and/or those who turn research into products that can reach the market. These may or may not be the same people as innovators. People and institutions with knowledge and resources to help entrepreneurs. Individuals and institutions that champion and convene entrepreneurs and the ecosystem. Onramps (or access points) to the ecosystem so that anyone and everyone can participate. Intersections that facilitate the interaction of people, ideas and resources. Stories that people tell about themselves and their ecosystem. Culture that is rich in social capital – collaboration, cooperation, trust, reciprocity and a focus on the common good.

The collective story that people tell themselves – and the rest of the world – powerfully shapes an ecosystem’s future. In Fort Worth, our most important stories of innovation, entrepreneurship and startup companies aren’t currently being told. If we don’t tell those stories, then they won’t enter our public consciousness. We strive to tell stories that aren’t being told in the hopes they will inspire more people to take the leap and begin their own innovation journeys and inspire the community to support them.

(hsc innovations) FAQ

On the HSC Innovations page, click on the "Submit Invention Disclosure" button and answer the questions about your discovery, invention or creation. The online form will also allow you to upload other information about your work like manuscripts, presentation slides, photos and videos.

The online invention disclosure process at this site is intended for use by HSC faculty, staff and students. If you are not associated with HSC, we are happy to hear from you and can arrange for a non-confidential discussion.

The management of intellectual property is subject to the HSC Intellectual Property Policy. A copy of the policy can be found in Tools on the Resources tab of this website.

A complete listing of HSC technologies can be found at our web portal powered by IN-PART.